Wednesday, May 1, 2013

the missing link

This might seem somewhat disjointed. I haven't posted here for a long time. For a while there I posted on a different blog which I thought would reflect a changed attitude that I have had over the past little while. Turns out that was just another unfinished well-intentioned project that I decided to start. Let them all pile up, right?

Anyway so snuffleupagus and I broke up late last year and I went and tried to experience the world. Turns out I had feelings for one of our mutual friends. Snuffleupagus always thought that this friend and I had something going on in the background... but both he and I can assure you that this was not the case.

So I am dating ym ex's friend (and he used to date my friend... weird) Socially unacceptable... eh, but we're happy.

So he has been on a Europe trip for the past 8.5 weeks and he is coming back this weekend. I am so keen to see him again! We have missed each other a lot. Before dating I would have to say that we were best friends. In fact, he still is somewhat my best friend. I just hope it works out alright.

Anyway I hope that there will be some more comedic reports to share with you all.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

fishy eggs

So I recently hard boiled some eggs on their use by date (yes, I had forgotten I had eggs in the fridge) which, on the water test, all appeared to be happy and healthy. Coming to the end of the dozen in my fridge I have been a little more careful about the eggs that I choose to eat.

While being on Skype to my boyfriend (who is overseas at the moment and has been for the last 8 weeks) I had the following discussion regarding which egg I should eat. I thought it was rather amusing and possibly interesting enough for you to read:

me: I have two eggs, one smells like fish and the other smells like egg. Which one should I eat?

the romantic: um, an egg that smells like egg? How is that a real question?

me: well I am not sure which one is off.

the romantic: does it float or sink in water?

me: they're hard boiled. You can't do that test

the romantic: well maybe you should have thought about that before you boiled it. I would just eat both because my stomach can take anything. But you're just mornal so I wouldn't if I was you

me: but I could die if I eat a bad egg! Oh I don't know what to do!

the romantic: then man up and eat both

me: I just peeled the egg smelling one and it's blue!

the romantic: show me. Mould?

me: no, it is just blue

the romantic: then don't eat it

me: yeah, it smells like egg

the romantic: how is this even a serious question?

me: it's a matter of life or death

the romantic: ok, do this then. Unpeel both and cut them in half. Eat the better looking and smelling pieces.

me: cutting the blue egg!

the romantic: or just don't eat an egg

me: but I want to eat an egg

the romantic: holy sh*t that can't be an option. OH MY GOD WHICH EGG DO I EAT? THEY'RE BOTH WEIRD. HOW ABOUT I EAT NEITHER AND JUST EAT CEREAL.

me: I don't want cereal, I want an egg. Um, it is blue on the inside. It looks like zombie eyes

the romantic: man up and eat a goddam egg.

me: but I could get sick

the romantic: then throw up when it doesn't feel good. At least you ate an egg. Ho do they look on the inside?

me: I told you, the blue one looks like zombie eyes

the romantic: show me

I show him the eggs (putting them on my eyes to look like zombie eyes

the romantic: yeah I wouldn't eat that sh*t. Why would you even contemplate that?

me: because I really want an egg. Oh hey, the fishy smelling egg isn't blue. Oh and it looks really good on the inside.

the romantic: how does it taste?

me: like egg

the romantic: what a twist. The lesson here is that you should eat fishy smelling eggs. Badumtsh.
