Wednesday, July 7, 2010

the unknown and extremes

While on my post-exam adventure into a new place with new people - an unkown. A new adventure. Anyway, while on this tour in the unknown i was faced with a chance to visit the raw needs of survival. Perhpas not so raw, but fairly close. While we could have given up trying to get out of the situation and packed it in to sleep in a huddle in the cold, we also chose to stretch the boundaries of the modern human's capabilities to dig ourselves out of the wilderness. We were stuck, clearly, and had to use our most extreme abilities to get un-stuck.

It was during this that I realised that deep down inside, everyone is scared, everyone fears, and everyone is capable of compassion.

Well, at least within the small group that happened to share this unique experience with me. I maintain this belief, it gets me from day to day. I live in hope that inside everyone, we are all compassionate and fragile. Its the only way it makes sense that we can all get along - and oh how I hope for the day when we do all get along, I belive it is close.

Enough of this waffle...

So, we're in the wilderness, battling our way through, and I got talking to one fo the guys out there helping us dig our way out. He's rather weathered in this way, having ventured out in the wilderness a few times himself, and he, like me, appreciates the simple beauty and natural elegance of the wild. He wasn't too scared, well seemed not to be. I was nervous for the toll this experience would have on the various people and equipment we had with us. We were discussing the situation and discovered that yes, that saying that the real personality of people come to the surface in extremem situations is supported in this extreme moment of survival.

Those that are quietly capable really shone through. They supported the rest of the group with their ability to stay calm and keep the group heading in the same direction. Those that boast being able to brave the tough showed a little stress on their faces as they tried to keep a lid on their rising angst.

so all up in this situation I mostly came to the realisation that you can't always tell waht kind of person someone really is, as the facade that they protray isn't necessarily the truth as to who they really are.

If I am permitted to ahve a little rant right here, I will say that I wish people would be mroe true to themselves. Its not like I'll judge you or dislike you, I'd rather know who you are, see your true self. and that way we can avoid the whole misconception, the dissapointments, the accidental offending phrases. The world might be ablet o get along a little better maybe, if we were all honest with each other?

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