Friday, June 18, 2010

a little confession: I'm silently freaking out

Here's a little confession to show that I am, i exist, i breathe and live and feel.

Somewhere along the line of things I got distracted. Was it emotions? dramas? general procrastination? Reguardless, here I sit on the cusp of something, about to topple. I'm silently freaking out. My lax approach to this year study wise has meant that barely hours before my exam, I am suffering from an exhiliration. An anxiousness. I am nervous now when five minutes ago i ceased to care.

I think I'm back. And I'm going to kick arse.

Only if I get my stuff done in time... and remember it.

1 comment:

blanc said...

im kinda glad u're back. tis uni after all. but i didnt want to be the nagger parent.
breathe. and you will be fine. take a deep breath and do what you need to in front of you